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Joomla Extensions

UT Login

UT Login

UT Login is a Joomla module that simplifies access to your website by keeping your users on the page they are on, you can also select a page for them to see on the login, logout or registration page.

UT Login improves the user experience because it displays a form in a modal from a link, button or icon, all from the same page.

Updates: Free Lifetime
Login To Download
  • Updated: Apr 30, 2024
  • Created: Sep 08, 2023
  • Type: module
  • Compatible: J4 J5
  • Version: 2.1.0  


  • Show icon, text, button, text and icon or button and icon in the link
  • Two form widths
  • Responsive form
  • Button Size (2 options)
  • Button Color (all bootstrap colors)
  • Select login redirection page
  • Seelct logout redirection page
  • Select registration page
  • Greeting Show/Hide
  • Show Name/Username
  • Profile Link Show/Hide
  • Display Labels Text/icons
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