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Instagram Joomla

UT Joomstagram 2.1.0 Brings improvements

For lovers of our module we have released a new version of Joomstagram; Now showing your instagram posts and photos on your Joomla website is much easier than with any other similar module, and the previous version.
You don't need to create applications, get ID, or generate tokens; all you need is to add your username or tag.

In this version we have solved the problem of columns on websites that do not use Booststrap. Now it is possible to show a number of different columns on phones, tables and desktops, regardless of the framework (bootstrap, Uikit, Foundation, etc) you use.

New Features: It is now possible to show or hide profile picture, username and your biography, each independently. These new features make your instagram photos in Joomla look better than ever.

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