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Joomla Templates


Procar is a Joomla template, crafted specifically for car repair services, automotive solutions, and related businesses. In this guide we will explain how to configure the store to sell auto parts or whatever you want, create a portfolio to show your work with a photo gallery and unlimited details, create a powerful blog to keep your visitors captivated, create pages using SP Page Builder 5 , configuring the template from Helix and customizing the styles.
You will learn how to create, copy, paste and configure sections, columns and addons, export and import pages using the Backend editor or Live Editor (Frontend) of SP Page Builder, to create your car repair website or similar services.
You will learn how to configure Helix Ultimate and customize Procar or any other template, from managing Headers, Using the Menu Builder, Layout Builder, Color Presets to adding custom styles.
Thank you for choosing Procar! This documentation aims to empower you to create a visually appealing and functionally efficient website for your car repair, automotive services and what you want.

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