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Barbon - Header Menubar fade-in effects disable

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  • spike Premium Member
  • Topic Author 2 years 1 month ago #1
the template has a slide in effect of the menu bar AND the Menuitems when scrolling down. how can i turn this off?
I just need the header fixed on the top without any effects. thanks in advance.

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  • spike Premium Member
  • Topic Author 2 years 1 month ago #2
because I have integrated another element via position: fixed at the top. when the menu bar first slides into the page and the other item (search-icon) is fixed, it doesn't look really good.

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  • spike Premium Member
  • Topic Author 2 years 1 month ago #3
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  • spike Premium Member
  • Topic Author 2 years 1 month ago #4
The header is not really at the top. In Firefox Mobil on iPhone after pushed the Page down to reload - theres an white area between aa-top-bar and Menuheader. The Searchbutton is in somewhere at this time.

New site (your template)
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Old site with Joomla 3.9 (other template):
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Strange thing is that both search button and menu are fixed - but see the difference! I do not know how to continue. Hope for a solution.

Thanks in Advance.

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  • L
  • leoalv Moderator
  • 2 years 1 month ago #5
To avoid Javascript sticky the header after exceeding the height of the header you must disable Header Sticky in Helix >> Basic >> Header, then in your custom.css file you must set the header to position fixed: #sp-header{YOUR PROPERTIES AND VALUES HERE}

About the search icon we do not know why it does not remain together with the other elements in the header because it is not part of our template, this is a product search engine that does not have our template. Our advice is that you publish it as a module in the menu position, because now it is part of the top bar that you have integrated.

Note: I apologize for my late response, it is that I have a child admitted to the Hospital.

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  • spike Premium Member
  • Topic Author 2 years 1 month ago #6
Ok, thank you. #sp-header{position:fixed;} worked, and javascript don´t make trouble now.

But with fixed header in custom.css there are a another problem. the content is now positioned incorrectly (too far at the top of the page) and breadcrumb is no longer displayed.

Modules to high, breadcrumb away:
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Content to high:
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(Note 1: I know that i have #sp-main-body { padding: 20px;} in custom.css, but after change, the module positions are still to high on top - maybe it´s another div class to change - to move all content (except the headers) down)

My second dry was: body.ltr.offcanvs-position-right .body-wrapper { right: 0; top: 120px;}
but with this setting - background picture at home was under the Header-Menu

Unfortunately, I didn't find anything in css how I could bring the elements back into their normal positions after fixed the header position in custom.css

Note 2: Don´t worry, I hope the child is well again. Wish them all the best.

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  • leoalv Moderator
  • 2 years 1 month ago #7
Your are using 2 template styles right? 1 for home and other for your pages, in your home the fixed header work well, but in other pages now header overlap their next sections.

in your joomla template style that you using for other pages (not home) go to: Helix >> Custom Code >> Custom CSS and paste next CSS.
.body-wrapper{padding-top: var(--header_height);}
the variable --header_height is responsive and obtain the Heights that you assing to Header for each device in Helix >> Basic >> header.

The following user(s) said Thank You: spike

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  • spike Premium Member
  • Topic Author 2 years 1 month ago #8
Thank you, worked perfect - I would never have thought of that. One thing - I noticed that the Fontawsome icons (User and Cart) on the home page are a little bit thinner and smaller than on the other pages. If leave the start page and load a subpage, the symbols jump back and forth a little bit. That looks nood good.

Where do the differences between the start page and the other pages come from?

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This message contains confidential information

Thanks in Advance. Many Regards, Manfred

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  • L
  • leoalv Moderator
  • 2 years 1 month ago #9
The problem you have is that in the home template style in Helix >> Typography >> Navigation you have assigned a size of 14px and a Weight of 400. and in the style of other pages you have not specified, delete in the home style or add in the other style.

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  • S
  • spike Premium Member
  • Topic Author 2 years 1 month ago #10
You´re are right - in home-Template typography --> Navigation it was activated. But deactivating brings no effect. Still the same different at home and other sides.

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  • L
  • leoalv Moderator
  • 2 years 1 month ago #11
The other problem is that your sidepanel module is loading its own version of fontawesome possibly version 3 or 4

TIP: You have to use your browser's element inspector to identify and compare the elements and see where the problem is and what causes it.

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  • spike Premium Member
  • Topic Author 2 years 1 month ago #12
Thanks again. You´re right. After deactiving the Sidebar symbols are normal. So it's the module and not the template!

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