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Tienda - Account registration - is reCAPTCHA active?

  • E
  • etrader Junior Member
  • Topic Author 1 year 3 months ago #1
Hello Leoalv,
Is reCAPTCHA active/implemented on Tienda template?
 use reCAPTCHA 
 Invisible joomla plugin version. It should show a banner on the registration form but it is not. I get many bots registering, hence my question.
Thanks for your reply.
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  • L
  • leoalv Moderator
  • 1 year 3 months ago #2
Hello Etrader.
Recaptcha is part of Joomla, apart from activating and configuring the plugin you also have to select it in the general Joomla settings.

Also recaptcha has to be integrated by the extensions, if the extension has integrated activation and selection in the Joomla configuration it is enough. We as template developers do not integrate or remove Recaptcha from extensions.

Are the Registries that do the bots doing it from the native Joomla or virtuemart form?

PS: Many current Bots go through recaptcha like water through their fingers.


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