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UT Construction - Portfolio does not properly render from module

  • J
  • jboogie New Member
  • Topic Author 7 months 1 week ago #1
I'm attempting to display a portfolio from a module within a page created with SP Page Builder Pro, the first level displays the initial items without problem, but when I click on one of the items, the template menu is no longer displayed.  See screenshots below:

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  • L
  • leoalv Moderator
  • 7 months 1 week ago #2
Hello, your screenshots were not sent correctly because they do not exist, please when you attach a screenshot only select it from the Attachments tab and do not embed it, much less within confidential data because they are encrypted.

Now according to the message we deduce 2 possibilities:
1. If when visiting a portfolio item you do not see the menu in the header, instead you see another menu or none at all, it is because the portfolio menu item is using another template style, edit the menu item, in the first tab you can see what style it is using, then go to that style and select the correct menu or in the menu item select the template style used by the SP Page Builder page where you have loaded the module.

2. If when visiting a portfolio item it does not have a menu item, then you have to create a menu item for your portfolio items, a portfolio item will not open within SP Page Builder because it is a page and not a category.

If none of our answers resolve your doubts, please send a screenshot as we have indicated above.


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